Shannon Falls, August 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fun with Mo

It's awesome in life that God gives us friends who feel more like family than friends. Such is the case with my husband's friend Matthew. Most people know him as Mo, and Hayden even calls him Uncle Mo. He took a vacation and decided to come spend a week with us when he could have gone anywhere else. We always have a great time with Mo and he's a fantastic houseguest.

We did the normal touristy things like Whistler, downtown/Stanley Park, Metrocentre Mall, and he even joined us for our first visit to a pumpkin patch. Enjoy the pictures of our time together (I'll save the heavy duty thoughts for another post).

 Cypress Mountain
 View of downtown from Cypress Mountain.
 Shannon Falls
 Laity Pumpkin Patch

 View of downtown and Running Man from Stanley Park
 Stanley Park colors
 Family in front of Lions Gate Bridge