We are slowly accumulating items for Hayden. This is due in large part to Craigslist! Friday night we bought a bassinet, breast pump, and car seat. These were all completely unused (except for the car seat, but it looks brand new--not a crumb or spot anywhere). We need to get the stroller base for the car seat, but it isn't that expensive. Oh, and David got me a rocking chair a week or so ago. Our next big purchase/find needs to be a dresser. We know the one we want, but it's just really out of our price range, and it never goes on sale. It's a piece that goes with the crib we already have, but trust me, it's expensive. Nothing is put together yet, so definitely no nursery pictures. None of the details have really come together, but we do have about 3 showers coming up. We have plenty of clothing (and probably shoes and blankets), but it's everything else we need. More washcloths, bottles, pacifiers, stuff for the nursery (like keepsakes), the swing, bouncer (though I think my mother-in-law is getting this for us), and just all those other little details! I thank God for His provision and what we've been able to get thus far. Patience is not one of my virtues, especially while I'm so tired right now since I'm not sleeping. But come May 3 or so, it'll be SO worth it. I keep having dreams of holding and soothing and rocking Hayden and just enjoying our son.
Please keep praying that if the position at this other school is what God has for me, all will work out. The pay raise would be significant and a huge blessing. My application is in, but I haven't interviewed or anything yet. Life is about to get even busier as I prepare for maternity leave and get into 2 week dr. visit mode. Hope things are going fabulously for the rest of you!
Make Pretty Paper DIY Daffodils
13 hours ago
Don't worry about the details. You will get lots of things from your showers- probably more than you can actually use on one baby! Find a used dresser that you like and paint it- thats what we did for Jackson and plan to do for Jenna Claire.
I have quite a few pacifiers if you would like them. They're used but you can boil them to sterilize them. Miss Abby has turned out to be quite opinionated on pacifiers and will ONLY use soothies. The rest are up for grabs along with some bottles if you are interested!
Thanks for the tips, guys! Our issue has actually been finding a used dresser...period! What color did y'all paint Jackson's, Jessica? I just feel like I'm running out of time; guess I'll continually feel that way! And Anna, we're going to get together soon, I promise! Thanks for all you girls do to keep me sane!
Jamie there is a dresser at Wal-Mart.com that's reasonably priced
here's the link if you'd like to check it out. I was going to get you a bouncer but since you've got that covered I will rethink and get you something you need. Just relax everything will be ok.
How exciting to be planning for a baby! I can hardly wait for the day when Seth and I start getting ready for children. Good Luck to you!
Out of curiosity, what type of pump did you buy? I've been using a manual one and am about to switch to electric.
Lol... I accidentally logged onto my blogger with Bryan's username... what a comment to post under his identity! Oops!
I'm glad you cleared that up, Anna! I was about to really razz Bryan! It's a Medela, and if I remember correctly, that's a pretty pricy brand.
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